Six Myths and Truths of Timber Flooring

timber flooring

Problem! The first thing you go is get hold of Google and feed in your problems. And Google like mentor offers you the best crawled solutions. Right! One by one you open the web page read few lines and just drop out the infeasible ideas which are not at all possible to execute and opt […]

Give an “A” class personality to your home! Use Timber floorings in Unique ways.

timber wood

Your home reflects your personality. When you invite your friends to your place, the first thing that they will notice is your floorings, second interior, and third hygiene. It’s important to update your home without costing a fortune. It’s impossible to renovate your home without making few investments, so while investing make sure to put […]

Ultimate guide to Kitchen Flooring: Make your Kitchen a LUXURIOUS ONE!

kitchen flooring guide

Shabby kitchen, you end up eating delivered food or sleeping hungry most of the times. Beautiful kitchen ideas start by upgrading your floors. Most of the flooring designs today consists of low maintenance and durability. An array of beautiful material options and styles gives you an overwhelming experience. This blog is specially written to help […]

10 must need to do tips to keep your wooden Floorings well maintained!

wooden floor maintenance tips

After getting frustrated with carpet floorings you finally give chance to wooden floorings. Your floor will shine & spark after installation to few more months but after that what? How will you maintain the same spark & shine every day, months and year? Most traumatizing question for every house owners & floor cleaner. Hardwood guarantee […]